Similar words: company limited by shares, limited company, unlimited company, limited liability company, company with limited liability, limited, limitedly, unlimited.
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1. This normally applies to private companies limited by guarantee.
2. A company limited by guarantee must register.
3. The great majority of companies in the construction industry are companies limited by shares, to which this chapter refers.
4. Legislation is also in the pipeline to allow companies limited by guarantee, and hybrid companies, to be formed.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Table A in the Schedule to the Act specifies articles of association for both private and public companies limited by shares.
6. However, no new company limited by guarantee is permitted to have shares.
7. The nature of joint-stock company limited liability company .
8. Why couldn't company limited by guarantee ap...
9. Suzhou Phaeton Business Trade Company Limiteds predecessor was Suzhou Han Wang Gift company Limited.
10. The capital contributions to a foreign-invested company limited by shares shall comply with the Company Law.
11. Cooperated with Sino Land Company Limited to arrange special mortgage loan plan to homebuyers of "One Silver Sea" who are ICBC "Elite Club" customers.
12. The "Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited" has no liability whatsoever before the application for insurance in this Proposal Form is accepted.
13. Since 1996 it has been a company limited by guarantee in the United Kingdom.
14. Changsha Star Electronics Industrial Company Limited is the development, production, operation of cable television equipment, optical fiber communications products of high-tech enterprises.
15. Xian mitsubishi electric switch power company limited by shares since 2008-05 electricity quality management section 1. Responsible for mitsubishi quality products manufactured test.
16. Draeger Medical Equipment (Shanghai) Company Limited (DME) is an enterprise solely invested by Draeger Medical Joint Stock Company Limited.
17. A company limited by shares has a Board of director with five to nineteen members.
18. The capital of a company limited by shares is divided into shares .
19. Transfer to SCB Bank "Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited", account no. for different currency as below.
20. The provisions in Article 46 of this Law on the term of office of a director of a company with limited liability shall be applicable to the director of a company limited by shares.
21. The term "company" herein refers to a limited liability company or a company limited by shares established within Chinese territory in accordance with this Law.
22. The turbine ring gate of Guangzhao Hydropower Station was first ring gate which was designed and manufactured by Harbin Electric Machinery Company Limited.
23. The company has its name, and its organizational structure conforms to the requirements for a company limited by shares; and.
24. Hong Kong's other 'tramway' is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central to The Peak.
25. In 2003 the ARB was incorporated and the Australian Racing Board Limited (ARBL) then became constituted as a company limited by guarantee.
26. What procedures shall be handled if we become the local franchiser of Green Force Enviromental Protection Technology Company Limited?
27. Article 4 The term "company" as used in this Act means a company limited by shares organized under the Company Act.
28. The cheque should be made payable to "Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited - Client A/C - Master Clearing".
29. Hong Kong Community College, an affiliate of PolyU, is a non - profit - making company limited by guarantee.
30. Article 126 A securities company must have the words "securities company with limited liability" or "securities company limited by shares" included in its name.
More similar words: company limited by shares, limited company, unlimited company, limited liability company, company with limited liability, limited, limitedly, unlimited, delimited, limited war, be limited to, limited edition, limited partner, limited liability, unlimited liability, limited partnership, company law, city limits, limiter, delimiter, listed company, quoted company, affiliated company, associated company, incorporated company, present company excepted, limit, off-limits, off limits, delimit.